2022 seems to be zooming by, and there's so much is happening at Horses Inside Out I thought it was time I told you all about it!
On the Road...
Lecture Demonstrations
It is lovely to be travelling out and about to do lecture demonstrations across the UK again. We aren't travelling abroad for events yet, but plan to do so from 2023.
On the 4th July, we performed a lecture demonstration at Parklands Equestrian Centre at Aston near Sheffield. As soon as we walked onto the yard you could feel it was a happy and relaxed place. The whole event was organised by Ellie Hartland an employee at Parklands - a livery yard, riding school and training centre. Ellie selected two lovely horses for the lecture demonstration. The level and type of horse always ultimately defines the lecture demonstration.
British Horse Society Events
I have presented two separate evening talks - Is My Horse Strong Enough? at Solihull RC and more recently Anatomy of the Head related to health, performance bridle fit and design. These were arranged by Andrea Jackman the BHS West Midlands Regional Coordinator. Both were fun evenings with a great audience who asked lots of questions - which I love.
Taking a collection of horse heads to the talk at the Cavalier Centre in Shropshire made me appreciate how many bones and anatomical models I actually have (this photo doesn't show all of them!)
Each one has a different story to tell and they are such a valuable learning tool helping to illustrate different points.
We are really excited to announce that we have been busy revamping the Horses Inside Out Academy.
There are plans to create more online content and events, so it's important that this learning hub is clear, easy to understand and navigate. So that's exactly what we have been working on!
With lots of member benefits and of course being still free to join you can become a member HERE today!
At Home...
Horses Inside Out Head Quarters
It's all been happening at home too. As anyone with a yard and land will know we are constantly developing and improving Wavendon Grange for the purpose of Horses Inside Out. We are loving the classroom and facilities here. And hope to welcome you to a course or event one day here in the future.
All the in-person courses have been very popular this year with many people travelling from abroad to attend the courses for professionals. These courses are kept small so that everyone can get the best out of them.
I spent a lovely day with my friend and fabulous photographer Helen Richmond Photography at the beginning of the month. In response to requests for the Horses Inside Out online bookshop, the aim was to take photos of me with the books to illustrate the size and detail of the book in a real life setting. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and to be honest it felt like a celebration of everything achieved as an author. (I still have to pinch myself that there are 10 books published!)
Filming Days
As well as photoshoots, over the last few months we have been busy filming lots of new video footage for some exciting new projects... I can't say much more about this at the moment apart from - watch this space!
It's all been filmed in the Horses Inside Out classroom and to be honest I wonder if I should rename it my playroom! It is such a great space with a lovely atmosphere.
On these filming days I've been getting out all my favourite anatomical models (toys above) to help explain and illustrate points all with the help of my best friends - the horses.
As well as great for filming it's perfect for our in - person courses too and we love welcoming people here!
Online Massage Course - Coming Soon...
As the in person days are so popular - they always sell out! And after so many requests we have planned and are currently working on creating an online massage course. We hope this will be available before Christmas so watch out!
Upwards and Onwards - Our Annual Conference
It may seem a way away but here at Horses Inside Out we are already getting excited about the conference. Having not run one in a while we are so pleased to be organising an event like this once again and for the first time it will be a hybrid event! This means you can attend online or in person. This month to help tell you all about the event we have made a series of videos illustrating each of the topics covered. I can't wait to share them all with you. :-)
We love hearing from you! You can get in contact by email, join in the discussion on our facebook page or facebook group and sign up on our website to hear all my news, views, events and promotions.
Wishing you well with your horses,
Best wishes