Prevention is Better then Cure
Prevention is Better than Cure
An Online Lecture Series
with Dr Sue Dyson
In this series of three webinars, independent consultant and lameness specialist, Dr. Sue Dyson hosted by Gillian Higgins explores what makes a 'good’ horse.
Packed with scientific, evidence based facts, these talks will prove to be interesting, informative and invaluable.
More About Sue
Sue graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1980. After an internship at the University of Pennsylvania and a year in private equine practice in Pennsylvania, Sue returned to Great Britain to the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket. She ran a clinical referral service for lameness and poor performance, attracting clients from all over the UK, Ireland and continental Europe for 37 years. Sue is a former President of the British Equine Veterinary Association and is currently scientific advisor to the Saddle Research Trust and Moorcroft Rehabilitation Centre.
Sue is also a rider, and has produced horses to top national level in both eventing and show jumping. Sue holds the Instructors and Stable Managers Certificates of the British Horse Society (BHSI). Sue currently works as an independent consultant advising on non-veterinary aspects of equestrianism, drawing on her observations of many years as a hands-on horse person.
Already purchased this seminar? Watch it here:
What's Included?
Once purchased, this course gives you lifetime access to the three online video presentations:
Assessing Conformation - 2 hours
Promoting Longevity - 2 hours
Not Quite Right - 2 hours
Certificate of participation.
Watch anytime from any device.
Approved CPD training (6 points) with the BHS

Prevention is Better than Cure
On-Demand Webinar Series with Dr Sue Dyson

Assessing Conformation
2 hours
What Does Good Look Like?
with Dr Sue Dyson
In this webinar, Sue considers what makes a good horse in terms of temperament, conformation, suitability and sustainability. It is of interest to all riders who would like to understand more about their horse as well as those wishing for some pointers to consider when looking to purchase the horse of their dreams. Because no horse is perfect, Sue will examine which issues are manageable for purpose and which are best avoided.

Promoting Longevity
2 hours
Maintaining Soundness and Optimising Performance
with Dr Sue Dyson
This webinar examines how to keep your horse in the best possible condition appropriate to his role in life. Sue explores how, through careful management, astute observation, prompt intervention and a good understanding of anatomy and biomechanics, we can reduce the risk of injury whilst maintaining soundness, good posture and optimal performance.

Not Quite Right??
2 hours
Improving Poor Performance
with Dr Sue Dyson
This lecture considers how to recognise, and what to do, if we feel our horse is, ´not quite right!´ How do we decide if a problem is caused by pain, weakness, behaviour or habit? What actions do we need to take? When do we need to bring in outside help or expert assistance? How do we find the best person to consult? What can be done to manage the situation? Sue looks at a selection of scenarios and discusses how to decide on and how to manage a variety of problems.